I’ve never been one to believe in the whole “Manic Monday” thing but today might have me officially converted!
It’s like everything decided to go wrong at once. I overslept (classic), woke up with a pounding headache and my son was in full chaos mode (drop me out). To top it off, an engineer finally came (after a two week wait) to sort the washing machine but he couldn’t fix it. Now I have to wait over a week for another appointment – fun, right?
Oh, and let’s not forget the endless to-do list: the dreaded food shopping, laundry, tidying up the house... it feels like it’s never-ending.
But hey, I’m just going to muddle through it all, keep my head up, and once the household craziness is somewhat under control, I’ll pop my business hat on and get cracking on orders and paperwork.
Here’s to powering through, one task at a time!
Happy Monday, everyone! Hope yours is smoother than mine xx